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UN Environment goodwill ambassador: Wang Junkai

“We youth have the responsibility to protect our environment and secure a future where wild animals still exist, as they are indicators of the health of our planet. This year, for World Wildlife Day, we young people should no longer be onlookers of environmental action but active agents of change that take care of our earth.

Our biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented rate, and scientists all over the world agree that we are facing the sixth global extinction crisis. Elephants, giraffe, pangolins, rhino, tigers and many other amazing species used to roam all over our continent. Now, there are tiny populations barely surviving. We don’t need to buy or eat products from these species to be cool!

I am proud to work with UN Environment to protect our precious wildlife and raise awareness about their plight, and you can join me by participating in the Wild for Life campaign. When we young people make up our minds to make the world a better place, together, we can achieve extraordinary things!”

About Wang Junkai

Wang Junkai is a Chinese singer and actor with more than 70 million followers. On his 18th birthday, Wang announced the set-up of his own charity foundation – Kindle Blue Fund, which focuses on youth innovation. He has worked to encourage fans to take care of the environment and contribute to charity. He was appointed as UN Environment Goodwill Ambassador in April, 2018.

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