Home » HIV AIDS » There is a hidden risk called Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI)

TB is the leading cause of death among people living with HIV, causing more than one third of all AIDS-related deaths.1

10% of people with LTBI develop active TB during their lifetime, but for people living with HIV the risk is dramatically increased – from 80 to 110 times more!2

Adults and adolescents living with HIV should receive TB preventive treatment as part of a comprehensive package of HIV care.3

With the adoption of the WHO End TB Strategy in 2015, it’s critical to recognize the importance of scaling up LTBI management.

Expanding treatment of LTBI is essential to reach 2035 End TB targets,4 committed to by Heads of State at the UNGA High Level Meeting in 2018.

MAT-GLB-2003473. 11.2020

1 UNAIDS Global HIV & AIDS statistics — 2020 fact sheet 2 Fox GJ et al. Preventive therapy for latent tuberculosis infection — the promise and the challenges. Int. Journal of Infectious Dis. 2017 Mar;56:68–76 3 WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis. Module 1: prevention. Tuberculosis preventive treatment, 24.03.2020 4 World Health Organization. The END TB STRATEGY, 2015 WHO – world health organization, UNGA- United Nations General Assembly

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